The Public Vote is not open yet
Please wait for all entries to be submitted. We'll let you know when voting is open.

Voting Rules & Info
From 2025 onwards, the Public Vote counts towards 50% of the result. Read more about the voting system here.
When submitting your vote, you agree to follow the following rules. If these rules are not followed we will not hesitate to disqualify your vote. If we detect suspicious activity, we may try to contact you through the Discord server to help rectify the problem.
1. You must not vote for a country more than once.
3. You are only allowed one vote.
The JDVision voting system is inspired by the Jury voting system from Eurovision.
You will act as a jury would, ranking your top 10 mashups from best to worst.
Your No.1 favourite mashup will receive 12 points.
Your 10th favourite mashup will receive 1 point.
We only receive the information you put into this form and nothing else.
We will never ask you for any personal information.